Technical Characteristics Liguria Panel

HxL Est. (cm) HxL Int. (cm) HxL Netto (cm) Spessore (cm) Peso (kg) Sup. (mq)
PANEL 78x119 78x107 78x113 2,9 24 0,88
ANGULAR 78x19 78x13 2,9 9
HALF COLUMN 30x30 78x20,2 78x10,3 3 16
HALF COLUMN 35x35 78x22,7 78x12,8 3 17
HALF COLUMN 40x40 78x25,1 78x15,2 3 20

Data for Ventilated Wall

1° upright flush with the minimum angle
2° riser 22,20 cm
3° post (from the step between the following posts) 36,60 cm

Versions Sandstone Panel